Turnieroutfit Jacket/Bluse/Reithose/Zylinder

88260 Argenbühl, Germany
remove_red_eye 0340
people 1
Price negotiable

Diverse Show Apparel

Condition Used - Good
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The tournament season starts again soon!
I have a complete tournament outfit to hand in. Consisting of:
trousers, blouse, jacket and top hat!

All parts I have set separately (for more info), who takes everything gets a special price! Shipping costs, depending on what is taken or pick up
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way
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mood Satisfaction: Excellent

88260 Argenbühl, Germany

Seller since 2/20/2020
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checklist_rtlBillyRiderAD-ID: 154963
Last update: more than six months ago
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